The Bible’s God

What’s in this book that billions follow?

Susie Ambrose
9 min readSep 2, 2020
Photo by Samantha Sophia on Unsplash

God’s justice and goodness are frequently declared in the Bible, and yet the actions attributed to him often violate humanity’s understanding of morality. Christian reasoning is: “It’s okay because it’s God. He can do what he wants. Whatever he does is good, and he has a good plan in the end.” This is the same type of argument as ‘the end justifies the means’ and ‘might is right’.

It’s also tyranny, to terrorize people for the sake of a grand plan to be established. I came to realize that my definition of good simply is not the same as this religion’s definition of good, and Christianity started to make less sense to me.

In the Bible, innocent people are frequently collateral damage simply so that the deity can prove a point. Below are some major occasions where this god (Yahweh) violates our laws of justice and goodness by 1) punishing the innocent instead of the guilty, 2) having a penchant for killing, and 3) possessing people to do harmful things. To the unbiased reader, Yahweh’s actions show little value for individual human life or ‘free will’.

Believers have had to spend a great deal of time looking for nuances, assumptions, and inferences, in order to make the Bible sound moral. They become expert cherry pickers who would be an asset to any farm. Sure, this deity…



Susie Ambrose

Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in History: The fall of Rome, the history of the Jews, and medieval history. Enticed by stories, culture, food, and self-improvement.